December 6



Who moved my cheese? 

“If a wise person goes to court with a fool, there will be ranting and raving but no resolution.” 

-Ancient Wisdom 

A friend and collaborator recently sent me Dell’s new book in the post, ” Play Nice but Win: A CEO’s Journey from Founder to Leader. 

      I skimmed through the fascinating book about his Odyssey journey during my downtime.

 I asked my assistant to put it on my deep dive book list for 2024! 

     If you are busy like me, please register for our newsletter for regular updates about what I am reading! 

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Of course, I am a psychiatrist turned entrepreneur and writer, reading more than when I was in Medical School ( Great Ife!); the brain is the most complex thing. I find Robert Salposky’s thoughts on this subject fascinating, but I am always learning, unlearning, and relearning. I would be surprised if I still hold the same beliefs in the next five years!

As the founder of GENEXT INC, I am constantly working alongside Goliaths in the industry. I won’t mention my name! The A players are bigger, faster, and more powerful than GENEXT INC. 

     I have to learn to play the game.

DEEPER DIVE – What’s your favourite game? 

 I skimmed through the thick financial report pages with my coffee. However, I don’t have a choice but to read each page. 

      My accountant, Rebecca( not her real name), thinks I constantly question and double-check facts and figures. 

      Curiosity kills the cats, as she jokingly said the other day. 

     She is astute and great to work alongside people who are smarter than me!

  In my response, “Rebecca, I want to be sure we are giving Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and God what belongs to God.” 

      I looked at my financial account the other day, as I do from time to time (Thanks, NHS, for the best training in the world; it makes me a better human being. Be diligent and a good manager of my resources!)

     My wife ( my close confidante) told me, ” Lari, I know you are a nice guy who wants everyone to win; however, we live in an exciting world, and you must be wise to navigate the trenches.


Imagine the battle of David and Goliath for a second. I won’t bother you with my take on this epic event. Several books have been written on this topic by brilliant scholars. My favorite is the scriptures!

Back to having good eyes for the figures, this is challenging despite my penchant for doing deep work.

  What bothers me is the vulnerable people who can’t read and write in our global society, not due to their fault!

  My critics would remind me of A ‘Righteous Mind,’ an excellent book by another brilliant scholar. Sorry, I can’t remember his name; please forgive me for my failing memory!

What do you think? 

How can you keep sharp and be able to play with the Goliaths of the 21st century, including almighty AI? 

If you have an enormous appetite, check out the financial chapter in our book, ALIVE OR NOT ALIVE( by Niran Ojomo, MD)

You can read free chapters on Amazon, one of my collaborators!

 See the link below.

What am I missing? 

I would like to hear from you. Please share your comments and thoughts below. 

Thanks for always being a GENEXT INC insider!!


Community, Conflict Resolution, Consulting, Wellbeing

About the Author

Niran (Larinde) Ojomo is a Trusted Advisor, COACH, Speaker and Trainer certified with the Maxwell Leadership Team. He is the founder of Forward-Thinking Generation Next, a forward-thinking organization that challenges individuals and organizations to re-invent themselves, anticipate and adapt to the future and be culturally relevant in an increasingly complex globalized world.

Niran Ojomo

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