March 10



Threescore miles and ten.

Can I get there by candlelight?

Yes, and back again.

If your heels are nimble and light.

-To Babylon( Mother Goose Rhyme)

How was your sleep?

Sleep is the foundation on which diet and exercise sit. 

Any thoughts? 

After a busy week and, most importantly, celebrating my son’s birthday over the weekend, We enjoyed great food and drinks, including pop. According to Benjamin Franklin’s creed, We should live in moderation, not calorie counting like some of us!

     I went to bed late, ‘cuddling with a great fiction book,’ and soon fell into a deep sleep. A few hours later, I realized we were springing forward with the sound of my alarm. Micro-stressors, right?

   I staggered quietly across the room to the bathroom, not to wake my beautiful wife, but my morning routine eventually woke her up. 

    Please keep your noise down she politely requested. 

Minutes later, Josh and I were driving down to church with few cars on the road; it was a smooth drive. I wondered if they were aware of the “global experiment.” 

   We talked about Daylight Saving Time and William Willet’s revolutionary idea. Who is William Willet? Josh asked. I politely responded, Josh, please read Chapter 19 of our book, ALIVE OR NOT ALIVE, and we could discuss it after church. 

      We eventually joined the Music Band late but in time for the rehearsal. 

No Health Without Emotional Well-Being

How was your sleep? 

My Band discerned I needed to focus more on the song’s rehearsal.

“Lari, How was your night?”

I don’t usually have this short attention span. 

     Scientists are still trying to understand the mystery of sleep and why it’s essential to our emotional well-being! 

   However, thanks to the Band, the great camaraderie, and my coffee! As the rehearsal progressed, my focus and playing of my stringed instrument improved, but I still struggled and needed to work on some chord transitions. Work in progress, right?

Daylight Saving Time 

 Have you read the Chapter 19 yet? 

  Daylight Saving Time( DST) is moving the time forward one hour from Standard Time during the summer months and changing it back in the fall. 

  “Josh asked why DST is important.”

I responded that DST allows us to use natural daylight better. 

  ” Dad, understand some provinces in Canada have stopped using DST.”

I responded that I was unsure but would research and return to you. 

According to sleep expert Prof. Mathew Walker, during Daylight Saving Time, a “global experiment” occurs in which 1.5 billion people are forced to reduce their sleep by one hour or less. Furthermore, this highlights the effects of lack of sleep on cardiovascular health.  

     In his book Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker delved deeper into the impact of switching to Daylight Savings Time. According to hospital records, the trivial sleep reduction comes with an alarming spike in heart attacks the following day. However, when the clocks move back, and we gain an additional hour of sleep, the rate of heart attacks plummets the following day. 

I took a break to say hello to my neighbor through the lattice of my Lion’s Den. Minutes later, we were walking through the neighborhood. She is in her 70s(she looks younger than me!), but she regularly takes her daily walk. We discussed the importance of daylight saving time for physical and emotional well-being. 

How are you feeling now? 

Please be careful with any workouts this evening (or in bed) or tomorrow morning. 

Any thoughts?

If you have more appetite, check out Chapter 19( Let There Be Light: I’ll Find a Way) of our Book ALIVE OR NOT ALIVE.

As Always, Thanks for being GENEXT INC Insider!


I am not your doctor; this newsletter is for general information only. Please discuss any physical concerns with your family physician. 


Community, Sleep, Stress Management, Wellbeing

About the Author

Niran (Larinde) Ojomo is a Trusted Advisor, COACH, Speaker and Trainer certified with the Maxwell Leadership Team. He is the founder of Forward-Thinking Generation Next, a forward-thinking organization that challenges individuals and organizations to re-invent themselves, anticipate and adapt to the future and be culturally relevant in an increasingly complex globalized world.

Niran Ojomo

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