THIS PAST WEEKEND my family and I spent time at Okotoks to create memories with our son and his soccer team. The Hawks United participated in the Anthem Cup tournament at Calvary FC Fieldhouse, West of Okotoks. Okotoks is a beautiful town on Sheep River, approximately 18km south of Calgary, with great historical sites. In January, the weather was warm, one native shouted to another, and they basked in the beautiful Sun over the Sheep River. We enjoyed the breathtaking scenery and smell of early spring as we walked downtown to visit the Museum and “Sarcophagus”. Unfortunately, the Hawks lost most of their games however it was an eventful time for the Hawks’ families. The Hawks didn’t lose their passion but significantly improved as a team from game to game with camaraderie and their incredible resilience help them to stay focused on the process and not the outcome (Growth mindset versus fixed mindset). The parents bonded together (despite our differences!) and applauded the kids every minute of the game, as they battled together, showed great determination, and skillfully passed the ball from one end of the field to the other with speed and coordination. I learned about meditation in open space from another parent who is a “meditator” he showed me the complexity of the Brain and how he switches his attention from the book he was reading in the metaphorical carnival of our modern society.
In his book 25 Ways to win with people, John Maxwell says that some memories come as the result of circumstances, but many can be proactively created. Few things bond together like a shared memory. Soldiers who battle together, teammates who win a championship, and work teams that hit their goals share a connection that never goes away. Married couples who experience rough times can often look back on their earlier experiences together to keep them going. Families bond together when they rough it on camping trips or adventures during vacation and then love recounting their experiences years later.
John Maxwell has mentored me to ask what memories have I already created with people in my life that we need to relive together. The Learning point is that we shouldn’t wait for memories to happen to us. We need to be intentional and make memories Happen!