September 8

“Valley of Dry Bones and Changing Seasons”


Are you mindful of the seasons?

“ To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose.”


As a parent of two terrific teens( biased on this), life-long learners, providing safety netting is critical for their development. A peaceful home and structure is ideal for curious kids in our fast-paced world. The reality is our time is extremely short, like a vapor, right?

This year has not been boring, but it’s been fascinating every minute, from global inflation to the horrible war in Ukraine. The global warming debate has been a ride from the Northern to the Southern hemisphere. It’s like playing chess with grandmasters, and I have learned a lot as we head into fall-winter!

If you ask any Grand chess master, they will tell you there is still a lot to play for as we head into winter!

According to Trent Maul, the director of analysis for the American Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Ukraine forces breakthrough on the second defensive belt was pretty considerable.”

Can Ukraine breach the 3rd Line beyond before winter beckons?

Should we fix our mortgage rates forever?

Should Britain sign up for the Horizon research program?

Shall we vaccinate our sleep-deprived teenagers or rise later and shine?

Are we ready for Q4 before the arrival of winter?

Wherever you are, the season is about to change; for example, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are moving into fall, and fascinatingly, people down below are moving to spring. The season changes wherever you are, mainly if you are mindful and paying attention like me.
During this morning walk, the leaves are changing, and at the same time, crops are about to die off, and leaves are falling off the trees. It wasn’t like this many years in England, I told my wife.
She reminded me how busy I was and always saying aloud the Hippocratic oath, which, in my opinion, is not fit for purpose in medicine 3.0

“Amid winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes me, within me, there’s something stronger- something better, pushing right back.”

-Albert Camus

In my observations, a natural progression occurs on the earth among humans. Seasons are changing, I thought to myself. Trees would turn their beautiful bright autumn colors, and they would die, and the leaves would fall to the ground and die, producing a natural manual for the land. This is the foundation for the winter seasons, where everything will lie dormant the earth is replenished.

After my ‘Charlotte Mason Method,’ I can’t sit still without moving about in nature, right?

I returned home feeling refreshed and getting more back from my walk, then noticed a few hundred copies of ALIVE OR NOT ALIVE on the floor that will be dispatched to physical Booklore all over Canada in the next 24 hours. I brood on the scenery as Light falls on my retina; publishing is a marathon, but I am grateful that the season is changing.
I picked up a copy of ALIVE OR NOT ALIVE and randomly opened to Part V on environmental wellness, “I’ll find A Way: Let There Be Light”

“Live in a room full of Light
Avoid Heavy Food
Be moderate in the drinking of wine
Take massage, baths, exercise and gymnastics
Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water.
Change surroundings and take journeys
Strictly avoid frightening ideas
Indulge in cheerful conversations and amusements
Listen to music.”

  • A. Cornelius Celsus, Physician, First Century AD

I glanced and mused on principles that helped me navigate the previous winter

I brood over the principles, the aha moments; the principles remind me that life has its natural rhythms and changes, and embracing and learning from the reach season we go through is essential. Some of us would need a community or personal coach.

Are we ready for Q4 before the arrival of winter?

Do you need help?

Book a free 1-1 Coaching Consultation.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

  • Lao Tzu

Merci Boku!


Coaching, Community, Mindfulness, Seasons

About the Author

Niran (Larinde) Ojomo is a Trusted Advisor, COACH, Speaker and Trainer certified with the Maxwell Leadership Team. He is the founder of Forward-Thinking Generation Next, a forward-thinking organization that challenges individuals and organizations to re-invent themselves, anticipate and adapt to the future and be culturally relevant in an increasingly complex globalized world.

Niran Ojomo

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